Tuesday, February 11, 2014

'Metaphysics in Science'

'Metaphysics in Science'

LA IS OUTDATED metaphysics and is completely replaced by science? In this modern era of empiricism and materialism, is not Already Provide means of knowledge abstraction and pure reasoning? The Century Vac ., the sophist Protagoras exposed the insecurity of the senses as a source of true knowledge. , Moreover, I Said That everything called truth, is related to the concept of Individuals. Every man is "the measure of all things" . That is, there is no absolute truth. For example, the virtues are not universal, but relative to the time in the world and customs of the people, So They can even vary from one generation to another and from one country to another. The sophist Were not alone in denying the infallibility of the senses. So did Socrates, Plato , Aristotle, the Stoics and other schools. Generally, however I, Stated That There was a universal knowledge, a kind of innate wisdom, que Could originate from the inner self or soul, as it was Generally known. I have maintained That was the reason That with half a yard and determined to That truth.

  If a concept was self-evident, and Un Certain Seemed Could not be refuted by a logical argument, then thought it was an absolute knowledge. In this respect, belief and opinion Also fell into the category of knowledge if Were Their conclusions supported by reason, or at Least If They Could not be refuted otherwise. Pyrrho , founder of the school of skepticism (IV century BC) Declared or it was not possible for the human mind to know the true nature of reality. I have reviled declaring all philosophies teach absolute knowledge. Man can not know anything for sure, I said. As sophists and other schools, Also Indicated That It was a false perception through knowledge. The senses are perfect and vary from man to Provide That the sensations and images form in the mind. Two men can look at a distant object and give it different conclusions on Their nature. However, Pyrrho completely disagreed With the doctrines of the Sophists. I did not deny That There Could be a universal and absolute truth, but rather I Said That did not seem to understand the human mind That.

  It Has Been Said That the persuasive reasoning of the arguments of Plato, forcing skeptics to rule in behalf of the probability, in other words, it was likely there was an absolute That knowledge without the man I Knew, In this case I am inclined more the words of Plato, in fact I was a bit concerned in all his philosophy and Because I said so in the time it Existed many skeptics. Plato's argument against the skeptics said was That They all lack the fortitude of absolute truth. Statements of skeptics Ie equaled negative to positive reality, que contradicted his own argument. I also think it Should be Understood That call was the classic of philosophy, in the times of ancient Greece, science was at an embryonic state in Most. In the minds of men was only the beginning of a separation Between Natural phenomena and determinative acts of the gods, as being the first cause of all natural phenomena. In this period of absence of the science of the spirit, That is, the exact observation, experimentation, research nature of causes and the lack of equipment, Contributed to reason away the key of knowledge.

  Logical or syllogistic reasoning was developed to a high degree. Accepted absolute knowledge as to what is and Clearly Understood For Which there was no equivalent rational contradiction. For Most of the first philosophers and for many centuries, the reasoning was a divine quality. The mind was Declared as an attribute of the soul and the reason is its synonym Considered. Centuries later, Kant presented a priori knowledge That all men possessed. This was Un certain innate universal truths That all men came to understand. "By means of a priori knowledge, we must understand ... that THEREFORE there is no knowledge That is independent of This Or That experience, but there is One That is absolutely independent of all experience."

  Around the year 900 of the Christian era , enlightenment When staff was at its LOWEST level, the Doctors of the Church almost Depend Entirely on the dialectic persuasion. The Teachings of Aristotle Were Considered the epitome of knowledge and Which Could not be overcome. The Aristotelian logic method was used by These scholastics, to the point of wasting time with respect to any subject. If They Could Develop a proposition that Could not be refuted was accepted as absolute truth. THEREFORE result was only a repetition of These logical conclusions about the same issues. There was not even attempt to submit to the test item of research when it came to physical phenomena.

  And as always happens the age of science ended the absolute safety of reason as proof of the " Truth " . It is Argued That the modern era of science really Began with Francis Bacon, who said it was not Necessary to rely only on deductive reasoning, ie, it is not enough just to start with a general concept and then try to find true facts that. supporting Bacon said: "As far as can be Obtained from the inflexibility and firmness of mind, theories, opinions and common ideas, Should be completely discarded and understanding Should start again WITH DETAILS Clearly and fairly ..." These particulars Which Refers to Bacon Regarding Their inductive methods belong to the Things That can be Perceived, and Examined individually Measured and Analyzed by what seem to be Their true qualities.
Today I extended much more than I'm used to teach them a few things, but the main thing is just a word has two syllables That, "Faith"
I want you to understand That faith is a big powerful enemy That enemy is called "The Knowledge" I hope you understand and find from antiquity to today has hidden words on this issue until today.

In you I trust

Maestro Peter Bustamante      

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