? How we know things? Do I know this? How do we form a concept about objects? How our mind loads of ideas? These approaches are he called problem of knowledge. Primitive man resolved this issue naively attributing to magic virtue of explaining the origin of things. The genesis of wisdom was, in this order, a divine reason. The secret knowledge, was to unveil the " mystery of its origin . " Powerless to provide a satisfactory description of real phenomena, the simple thought interpreted as the product of the action from special bodies, souls or spirits. With the development of society itself, these arguments were discounted and the man insisted seek, among mortals, the explanation of the problem. Thus doctrines have emerged that attempt to explain the nature of as intriguing as the origin and the process of knowledge enigma. Elucidate requires taking sides between subject and object, two variables necessary and mutually committed to the " mystery of consciousness . "
When talking about the subject, is to engage the intellect, therefore the man as a thinking and all the processes of psychic order. When talking about object reference to phenomena, things and events of the physical world becomes, what is written within an external reign man, to his mind. Treating the issue of correspondence between subject and object has led opposing positions in philosophical thought and resolve this dilemma has been a real challenge in the history of human thought. The Psychology
has been obviously involved, since it is a discipline that deals with the subject as a knowing agent. In approaching the subject-object relationship, psychology has developed different versions of the problem of knowledge, I have always thought that this is happening after science declare that psychology was not listed as a science, and current new psychologists work according to psychiatrists cure everything with drugs. The position assumed with respect to one or other elements involved, will identify the ideology that underpins these new theoretical explanations or systems.
The first philosophical system is attributed to Plato , who initially tries to explain the existence of numbers. To the Greeks, the numbers and figures geometric always existed, did not owe tribute to the man, were beyond his realm and therefore outside their experience, they were immutable and eternal. The idea of 5, for example, does not correspond to any particular object, was not accessible to the routine handling that defines their common objectives can not be framed within the scope coordinates of earthly hands. The numbers have not been created by mathematicians , are simply an exercise of spirits which reduces to discover. However, as the existence of abstract numbers and all tangible things lacked parenting, their origin was not for the experience; philosophers awarded him supersensible reality. Constituted " figures "from another world, other than subject to change and actual objects volunteer management. Also, Plato the soul is immutable, like numbers and suprasensible existed before taking corporeal form.
Human experience the luxury of reaching distressed poor notions about things is allowed. The idea of beauty, for example, never becomes real in objects. Beautiful things only fill this condition in relation to something else, relativity confirms its imperfection, as well as all the objects in this unstable and changing world. Science, in the Platonic perspective, does not integrate a product, represents the memory of the soul had contact with the ideas, before drifting in concrete forms of the human body. Are we doomed to be starring in an unreal world, where only a vulgar approach about the real things, is not granted. The ideas, numbers and geometrical figures, are embodied in objects approximately. The soul, the spirit or psyche, is being able to attain knowledge. In short, the science in this first system philosophy not a product of human activity is considered. According to the relation subject - object
in the design Platonic material and corporeal, as the body with its senses and experiences, is an imperfect component. For Plato , true knowledge is beyond the reach of sensible experience. The body captures the real through the senses, whose limited to refill.
As can be inferred, thought Plato
embodies the idealistic position on knowledge, process for that reason, is considered the source of all idealistic position Psychology.
philosophical system following the key of Plato is that of Aristotle
who conceived the spirits integrated to the body.
I want to extend this article in the following topic, but I want to mention which represents much of the psychology.
In short, Plato represents the origin of the idealist position, and Aristotle that of 'position MATERIALIST ' Psychology and Descartes shares in both attitudes.
In you I trust.
Peter Bustamante